Eva Nell (Garza) Moron: Eva is living in Burleson, Texas now and is looking forward to the big class reunion. Email her at eva-nell@mindspring.com.
Xavier V. Moron: Xavier is living in McAllen, Texas and you can email him at xvm1@aol.com.
Lynda LaDuke Rogers: Lynda has a new address. They moved to Burnet after being in Dripping Springs for 25 years and just love it. Their address is 1710 CR 118, Burnet, Tx 78611, 512-756-6761. She is married and has a son and step-son and would love to hear from any classmates. Email her at lynda510@thegateway.net .
I.B. "Bobby" Henson: Bobby and his wonderful wife, Melissa, are living in Salt Lake City, Utah. Email Bobby at ibh-hkassociates@uswest.net.
Anna Jo (Slaughter) Cummings: Anna Jo didn't graduate from E-E but did go to school there for many years. Her Dad, Leon Slaughter, was the Ag Teacher and her brother, Jerry, was from the Class of 1956. She left a very nice message about herself and family in the guestbook. Email Anna Jo at ajcdsc@azstarnet.com.
Michael Smith: Michael and his wife, Sandra, are both retired and living the life of leisure in Weslaco. They have two sons....one in San Antonio and one in Houston. UPDATE: Michael and his wife moved to Shertz, TX last May so please note he has a new email address also. Email Michael at mesmith40@satx.rr.com.
Jim Shull: Jim is living in Phoenix, AZ and would love to hear from some of his old friends. Email him at jashull99@aol.com.
Norman Konzem: Norman is using his wife's email address because he's "too hard-headed to learn to use this new-fangled thing". He and his wife live in Harlingen, TX. Email him at suzette51@juno.com.
Al Hyatt: Al is living in Lockhart, TX and since he didn't make it to the reunion, he sure would like to hear from someone about it. Email Al at tea2@centurytel.net.