Juan F. Reynero, Jr.: Please see Juan's message in the guestbook!
Jose Nava: Jose is living in McAllen and would love to hear from all who know him. Email Jose at mailto:jose_nava1968@hotmail.com
Jose Medrano: Jose and his wife, Yesenia, are living in Pharr along with their daughter, Kimberly. Jose had an extensive career in the Navy and is now working for Southwestern Bell. He would love to hear from all his friends so email him at jmedrano@rgv.rr.com.
Melinda Montoya Martinez: Melinda is living in Elsa and is anxious to hear from her classmates and friends. Email her at memartinez@eeisd.org.
Gina Renee (Cruz) Hernandez: Gina is very interested in hearing from her classmates and all who remember her. Email Gina at gr-hernandez@tamu.edu.